Sunday 21 October 2012

The Review of Mall Cop Movie

Paul Blart: Mall Cop Movie Review - Plot
The movie opens at the New Jersey State Police Academy in the autumn of 2008. Paul Blart (Kevin James), a single father, tries out to be a cop. He does surprisingly well on the obstacle course despite his size, but passes out due to hypoglycemia, and fails the course.He lives with his mother and daughter, who tries to find him a girlfriend on a dating website, as his wife had previously left him, and he had been feeling lonely ever since. He tries to make ends meet as a security officer at West Orange Pavilion Mall.
He takes the job very seriously, but receives no respect from the patrons. The next day, Blart is introduced to a new trainee named Veck Sims. Blart takes him on a tour of the mall, teaching him the basics. While patrolling the mall, Blart sees - and falls for - a kiosk owner, Amy. After a few attempts to muster up courage, Blart tries to talk to Amy, but awkwardly asks for hair products instead. Upon their second "meeting", Blart offers to give Amy a ride to her car on his Segway, and they agree to meet later in a bar where the mall staff are regular patrons. Unfortunately, Blart accidentally gets drunk, and humiliates himself in front of everybody present. Thinking he has ruined his chances with Amy, Blart returns home in low spirits. Later, Blart's co-worker offers him his daughter's phone so Blart could call Amy.
On Black Friday, a group of robbers disguised as Santa's helpers "seize the mall" while Blart is inside the arcade playing Rock Band. While in the arcade, a foreign teen named Pahud calls the cell phone looking for the co-worker's daughter. Pahud believes Blart is her lover but he explains that he is only borrowing the phone and gives the boy positive advice (basically to just relax about this girl). Pahud begins to admire Blart and they become quick friends. The robbers chase most of the shoppers and staff outside. However, some of the mall staff, including Amy, are taken hostage inside the mall's bank. Veck reveals himself to be the ringleader, and intends to steal thirty million dollars from the mall by obtaining the codes to the mall's credit card machines.
The West Orange Police, led by Sgt. Howard, surround the mall, but are unsure of the actual conditions inside. Meanwhile, Blart realizes that the mall has been taken over, and he makes contact with Sgt. Howard. However, the moment he finds out Amy is among the hostages, Blart resolves to take the matter in his own hands. He begins incapacitating the robbers one-by-one, and recording the stolen credit card codes.
Outside, SWAT Commander Kent arrives to take control over the operation, and he ultimately dismisses Blart's actions; Also he has known Blart as Kent has been cruel to him since in high school. He shows that he is much more willing than Sgt. Howard to raid the mall, regardless of the hostages' safety. While Blart is busy fighting the robbers, his daughter, Maya, arrives at the mall to deliver his dinner, but she is quickly taken hostage by Veck. She then meets Amy, and tells her how Blart really feels about her.
Fortunately, Sgt. Howard had followed them, and quickly arrests Commander Kent after Blart's boss, Chief Brooks shoots the gun out of Kent's hand. Blart and Amy are re-united and Blart admits his feelings for her and she kisses him. Howard offers to let Blart become a full-fledged police officer. Blart steadfastly refuses, saying that his place is helping people in his mall. During the end credits, bonus scenes show Blart and Amy getting married in the mall with all of their co-workers and friends there, including Pahud.

Wednesday 3 October 2012

Know About The Different Kinds Of 3D Movies

How good or bad a 3D movie is totally depends on the response of the audience. In case the movie meets with a lot of good responses, then there is no way the movie maker and the creators cannot feel good about themselves. But, when the number of bad reviews and responses count more than the number of good responses, then it is time the creators for put some more thought into the making of the movie.

Therefore, we can say that the fortune of a movie along with its creators lies in the hands of website content writing professionals who write reviews to some extent.

A good and well composed website content writing for a 3D movie is what we know as a 3D movie review. Content writing reviews for a 3D movie can also help estimate the number of people that will actually pay to see the movie. Because, if the movie does not have a good and positive review against it, then there will be no one willing to spend their money and time on a worthless movie. Therefore, not only does the movie have to be well made, but it also needs to have some good reviews against its name.

To put it in a more sophisticated way, 3D movie article writing review is an analysis and post-mortem of 3D films. Content writing reviews for a 3D movie can be broken into two categories: journalistic and academic criticism. Article writing reviews for Academic criticism is done by film critics taking an academic approach towards movies. This form is known as film theory or film studies. We really think that this category ignores the mistakes in the movie if there are any because they are aware of the whole process of movie making and the troubles people in this industry have to endure. Also the reviews labeled academic are quite full of technical terms hence it is harder for the masses to comprehend to them.

Article writing a review for Journalistic criticism involves a 3D movie review that is made by film critics working for newspapers, magazines and the like. This also includes article writing for online film review websites which brings together movie reviews from a number of film critics to allot a certain score. Rotten Tomatoes is one of the most popular online film review websites. There are other popular websites for movie reviews for which regular article writing can be done.

Obviously, of the two categories, it is content writing for journalistic criticism that has a greater impact on the masses. This is not only because newspapers as well as magazines are more inexpensive, but this is also because of the fact that this form of reviews are direct in their criticisms and complaints about how the movie is done and how the actors and actresses played their roles. So, it would be very understandable if the people in the movie industry would be more concerned in pleasing those who are working and content writing for various newspapers and magazines.